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Briefly describe the precaut···
1、 Classification of fiberglass trench boards1. GT type fiberglass trench boardThe GT type gutter plate is divided into···
Introduction to car wash sho···
Features of car wash shop specific grilles:1. Impact resistance and fatigue resistance: Car wash shop specific grilles h···
Introduce the types of raw m···
The types of raw material resins used in the manufacturing of fiberglass mainly include unsaturated polyester resin (UP)···
Briefly describe the uses of···
Overall, the irregular classification of fiberglass grilles can be divided into four types, and the most important thing···
Precautions for selecting fi···
As a new type of material, fiberglass grating is widely used. Below, we will talk about the precautions to be taken when···
Briefly describe the product···
Car wash shop fiberglass grille is a plate shaped material with a certain porosity made by special processes on customiz···
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