Introduction to car wash shop specific grilles
Introduction to car wash shop specific grilles
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Introduction to car wash shop specific grilles
Feb 28, 2024

Features of car wash shop specific grilles:

1. Impact resistance and fatigue resistance: Car wash shop specific grilles have high impact strength, allowing for repeated twists and turns without permanent deformation, while metal grilles retain permanent deformation after being impacted and need to be corrected. Fiberglass grating has moderate elasticity, making it comfortable for workers working on it for a long time, reducing the sense of urgency on the legs and back of workers, reducing the occurrence of accidents, and helping to improve production power.

2. Anti slip: The car wash shop's dedicated grille has anti slip function. The molded fiberglass grille has two types of naturally formed anti slip concave crescent surface and anti slip sand surface. The anti slip sand surface also has two types: integrated molding with sand inside the mold and re processing with adhesive after demolding. Both types of sand surface provide superior anti slip function, and the sand layer is not easy to peel off, making it durable. According to relevant foreign materials, incidents caused by slipping rank second in incidents, and slipping has become the main cause of incidents in many different factories, resulting in significant economic losses. The use of fiberglass grilles makes walking safer and more comfortable, greatly reducing incidents caused by personnel slipping.

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