Understanding the cost-effec···
Fiberglass grating is a board formed by heating and cooling fiberglass grating equipment, combined with manual wire draw···
Briefly describe the applica···
The electrolysis workshops of many chemical plants and smelters, as well as the chemical disposal workshops of power pla···
Introduction to Green Microp···
Green microporous fiberglass grating plate:The aperture scale of the grid is 1.9cm * 1.9cm, which is half the size of th···
Installation guide for fiber···
Regarding the installation of the fiberglass grille in the car wash room, we need to first carry out the cutting operati···
Analyzing the characteristic···
1. Light weightIts specific gravity is around 1.8, and its weight is only 1/4 of that of steel and 2/3 of that of alumin···
Are the thicknesses of fiber···
There are several options for fiberglass grilles: 1. Anti slip concave surface 2. Special anti slip sanding surface 3. E···
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