There are three commonly used resin types for grilles: ortho benzene type, meta benzene type, and vinyl type. Its price is directly proportional to its corrosion resistance, so it is necessary to select the economical resin type based on the corrosive medium in the application environment, the function introduction, and the corrosion resistance function table. Ortho benzene type: has ordinary corrosion resistance function, can withstand atmospheric aging, seawater corrosion, etc., long-term use temperature -50~60 ℃ benzene type.
It has excellent corrosion resistance and can withstand various salt environments with medium concentrations of inorganic acids and alkalis. It can be used for a long time at temperatures of -50~90 ℃. Vinyl type: It has excellent corrosion resistance and can withstand harsh corrosive environments such as acid, alkali, salt, solvents, or acid alkali alternation. For long-term use at temperatures of -50~110 ℃, according to the requirements of the application site, the exterior type of fiberglass grating is selected. Concave: Concave grating is basically non slip.
Surface sanding: The sanding grid is particularly anti slip.
Smooth surface (polished surface): Smooth grille is non slip and is commonly used for decoration and other places that require a smooth surface.
Cover plate type: used in places where there are no holes, preventing liquid leakage, gas evaporation, or special requirements for holes. Smooth cover grille: The surface is not slip resistant and easy to remove dust. Quartz sand cover grille: The sand cover grille has good anti slip performance. Striped cover grille: The anti slip performance of the striped cover grille is slightly poor, but it is more aesthetically pleasing.