What are the important factors affecting fiber content in fiberglass profiles?
What are the important factors affecting fiber content in fiberglass profiles?
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What are the important factors affecting fiber content in fiberglass profiles?
Feb 28, 2024

The fiber content is an important element in fiberglass profiles. And the specific gravity and function of various plastics are different, so their suitable fiber content is different. If the content is too high, the fiber will wear severely during molding, which will actually weaken the reinforcement effect; The tensile strength and notch impact strength of glass extruded profiles with low content have decreased.

Fiber diameter: It is generally believed that the finer the diameter of glass, the more significant the reinforcement effect of fibers with the same content. But in the actual products produced, the difference is not very significant. Fiber length: When ensuring uniform fiber distribution, the longer the fiber, the better the product's function. When the fiber length is less than 0.04mm, the fiber does not have a reinforcing effect. The fiber and particles in the injection molded product are generally 0.2-0.6mm.

However, if the fiber length is too long, it will cause a decrease in the material's fluidity and make it difficult to form. Fiber dispersion in products: The more uniform the dispersion of fiberglass profiles in products, the better their mechanical strength and heat resistance, which together contribute to the improvement of elastic modulus.

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